Friday, May 6, 2011

New inspiration

The thought came to me last week.  Lighthouses.  Saw a movie about a month ago with Richard Dreyfuss in it called "The Lightkeepers".  

I was thinking how that Jesus told us to shine in our dark world.   Lighthouses do that.  And HE is the Lighthouse KEEPER!  That was as far as I got besides thinking about the duties of the keeper.  Then I got to work.  Here's what I've made so far.

This is my first one.  I did it last week and already gave it to a friend.  Ironically, the night I gave it to her, our pastor was teaching about being light to the world.  I had to laugh at the timing.

This one was done 2 days ago.  My sister-in-law gave me a Cricut machine and this was the first word I did on it.

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